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First-time PD Blueprint Customers

​Receive 10% off  PD Blueprint Partnership and Comprehensive Blueprint  Packages 


With promo code: GOBLUE@BEYOND24


PD Blueprint Services

Blueprint Partnership Package

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Get personalized support in planning your team's professional development with Beyond Theory's Blueprint Partnership Package. With this option, schools will find a reliable and consistent partner who will engage with small teams and leadership to build a culture of change.

Comprehensive Blueprint  Package

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Build a comprehensive professional development roadmap that is tailor-made to ensure effective implementation and alignment with your school goals. Ideal for entire school initiatives and large teams.




The Blueprint Partnership Package 

Departments and Small Teams

 3 Hours

Planning and Monitoring Consultations

Three 60-minute strategic planning and monitoring consultation sessions will be facilitated by your experienced PD developer with your broader team.

Workshop Support Services 

3 Hours

Support in developing and structuring 2 workshops, from an experienced facilitator who will make recommendations, build high-impact structures, and foster meaningful outcomes.

Accountability/ Follow-up Sessions

3 hours

3 Accountability/ follow-up sessions will be provided to leadership, mentors, and/or evaluators to support meaningful implementation.

Customized Resources/ Evidence

PD Blueprint 

PD Blueprint Calendar

Implementation Tools

Goal Setting Tools



The custom documentation will serve as a guidebook and tangible evidence of the school's dedication to professional development. These custom resources will provide a framework for targeted, cohesive, and high-impact progress toward your institutional goals.

Needs Assessment Consultation

 4 Hours

The needs assessment consultation is a personalized session designed to identify and analyze your team's specific requirements, challenges, and goals, serving as a foundational step for tailored professional development.

Business Meeting

The Comprehensive Blueprint Package 

Entire School or Larger Teams

Custom Workshop Development & Facilitation

8 hours

 4 Hours

Strategic Planning and Monitoring

Three 80-minute strategic planning and monitoring consultation sessions will be facilitated by your experienced professional development expert.

Customized Resources/ Evidence

PD Blueprint 

PD Blueprint Calendar

Implementation Tools

Goal Setting Tools

Progress Assessment



The custom documentation will serve as a guidebook and tangible evidence of the school's dedication to professional development. These custom resources will provide a framework for targeted, cohesive, and high-impact progress toward your institutional goals.

Needs Assessment Consultation

 4 Hours

The needs assessment consultation is a personalized session designed to identify and analyze your school's specific requirements, challenges, and goals, serving as a foundational step for tailored professional development.

On-Going Consultation Sessions

9 hours

Continuous access to a professional development consultant for guidance, support, and solutions throughout the school year.

 The development and facilitation of 3 customized virtual workshops tailored to specific subject areas or pedagogical approaches, addressing immediate needs.

Have more questions? Reach out today.

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